Sunday, 1 February 2009


I think today has been long, it seems forever since i started my blog. The truth is i only started it a few short hours ago. Time confuses me sometimes, to me when I'm in the time it seems to go slowly but once it's past it seems to have taken no time at all. Well enough seriousness, my first day of my blog is coming to a close, i hope I'll remember to write something worth it tomorrow otherwise this blog will just be me waffling about nothing.

I should find something to write about but for thats all i have to say. 


well lets see as i am just starting my blog i have no idea what to write, i could say what i've done today but that might bore you. From past experiences i'll probably post a few blogs really close together then forget about it for a few months then post about one every couple of months but eventually i'll forget about it all together and my blog will sit about gathering dust. Except its on the internet so it can't exactly gather dust. Unless there is some kind of internet dust that unused websites gather.
Anyway welcome to my first blog, enjoy.